Sega Sammy changes group brand logo
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Japanese pachinko giant Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. recently announced that in a move demonstrating the future direction of the firm it will be changing its logo this August.
The Tokyo-based pachinko machine and gaming software firm is led by 76-year-old Hajime Satomi, its president and CEO. Satomi founded Sammy Corp., which merged with Sega in 2004 to form the holding company Sega Sammy Holdings. His son, Haruki Satomi, is the chairman and CEO of Sega Sammy, which has a 45 percent stake in Paradise City, the South Korean gambling and entertainment resort that opened in April last year.
The company, which is among a minority of Japanese enterprises with a substantial amount of gaming industry experience, currently has nearly fifty direct employees deployed at the Incheon property, according to Asia Gaming Brief.
As part of the firm’s Integrated Report 2017, Hajime Satomi reiterated the company’s desire to open an integrated resort (IR) in its home nation and said that it would use the South Korean venue as well as its ‘track record and accumulated expertise’ in order to win one of the coming Japanese integrated casino resort franchises, according to a report late last year.
In regard to the creation of a new group brand logo, Sega Sammy said in its news release (pdf): “The business environment has undergone significant changes since the business integration of SEGA and Sammy over a decade ago. Under such circumstances, our decision to create a new group logo was made as we had come to recognize the need for a new brand symbol demonstrating a future direction of Sega Sammy Group, departing from the current logo which represents the integration of SEGA and Sammy.”
“We will aim for further growth of the Group by implementing the thoughts we have put together in the new brand logo in actual business activities,” the company added.